To reach the unreached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by distributing financial support to missionaries
Since his salvation in 1971, Jerry has been heavily involved in ministry, serving in the capacities of Deacon, Elder and Associate Pastor. Yet, only in the last ten years or so has Jerry and his wife Sheila become fully aware of the difficulties and hardships faced by missionaries attempting to preach the gospel to unreached people groups. Many missionaries serve while seriously under-supported, which hampers ministry and is a mental burden on the missionaries. Jerry founded So All May Hear to bring as many missionaries as possible to 100% of needed support. Jerry and his wife Sheila have one daughter and three grandsons.
For the last 50+ years, Sue has served the Lord in various ways, including Women’s Ministries, Youth Ministry, Sunday School, Care Ministry and Missions. She has been on six short-term mission trips with youth groups, reaching out to the Mixteco Indians in Mexico and aiding churches in Mexico. Sue loves the ministry of reaching the unreached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Sue has two daughters and three grandchildren.